Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Introduction to Reflections of Narnia

As a child, I recall fondly my school teacher reading the Chronicles
of Narnia stories to us. I remember sitting at the edge of my seat,
hanging on to every word she read. As she spoke I found myself
enchanted, enthralled, and deeply captivated with the magical
world of Narnia.

When I heard that the book The Lion, The Witch and The
Wardrobe was being made into a movie by Disney, I decided to go
back and revisit the magical land of Narnia. Reading The Lion, The
Witch and The Wardrobe as an adult, I was once again captivated
by the story and found myself delving deeper into the symbolism
and hidden treasures that lie behind the pages. The quest resulted in
this book before you.

Reflections of Narnia is about taking a journey into the heart of
Narnia, focusing primarily on the first book of the series, The
Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. It is a 30-day devotional/study
that makes for a great companion to both the book and the movie
by Disney.

I have included some references to The Magician’s Nephew because
it may help the reader understand The Lion, The Witch and The
Wardrobe better. At times the references may be helpful in that
they teach us lessons about life that can enable us to understand the
bigger picture more in detail.

Reflections of Narnia is intended to give readers a closer look
behind the wisdom, symbolism, and hidden meanings of C. S.
Lewis’ classic story that has captivated millions of readers.
It is important to note that C. S. Lewis did not intend The
Chronicles of Narnia to be read as a literal allegory of the Christ
story but as a work that most definitely incorporates Christian
symbolism and alludes to Christian theology. His work is
suppositional—meaning that he wrote in such a way that the reader
might see what it might be like if Christ actually did decide to
appear in another world, supposing this other world existed, and if
he chose to die and resurrect in it as he has done in our world.
In doing this, Lewis reminds us of our story and the greatest love
story of all. It is up to us if we choose to become a part of the story

We all have journeys that our hearts long to embark on and
that for some reason we do not pursue. This book, I believe, will
satisfy that hunger and draw you into an adventure that you will
never forget—a quest of the soul that you were created to take and
have always longed to embark on. A quest marked with difficult
challenges, introspection, mystery, miracles, spiritual growth, and
a sense of purpose. It is a quest filled with endless possibilities that
may even result in entering another hidden realm.

The Bible talks of this hidden realm and tells us that “ … he [God]
has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into
the kingdom of the Son he loves,...” (Colossians 1:13, NIV).

Many of us dream of going away to a distant land where our
worries and frets fall away, a place where we find ourselves
in the midst of an incredible adventure. Like Peter Pan and
Neverland, Narnia draws us to a place—despite its being a fantasy
world—where the lessons we learn can be brought back to our
everyday world and change the way we live forever.

Take in this devotional and journey with Aslan, Peter, Susan,
Edmund, and Lucy to the land where you will find hidden truths
and pieces of wisdom that can change your life forever.

Enjoy, and prosper.